
In 2010 Justice Project Pakistan (JPP) launched a campaign aimed at securing the repatriation of all the Pakistani nationals jailed in the Bagram detention facility. We wanted to not only spread awareness about the blatant human rights violations that were committed there, but also expose the legal loopholes that allowed these illegal detentions to take place.

JPP filed litigation in Pakistan to compel the government to expedite the repatriation of its citizens from Bagram. It also sought to hold the state to account for its complicity in the War on Terror’s most egregious human rights abuses. It was during the course of this litigation that the repatriation of 43 Pakistanis was secured in 2013 and 2014. JPP’s campaign was instrumental in the return of all 43 Pakistani detainees from Bagram Air Base, the largest repatriation of nationals from any single country in the world.

JPP also helped with their release and resettlement in Pakistan. These 43 Pakistanis are believed to have been detained as third country nationals (“TCNs”) in Bagram between 2001 and 2014 with US and Afghan officials going to unimaginable lengths in order to extract information from them. Many of them were severely tortured, illegally detained and never allowed access to legal counsel.


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