A Global Pandemic:

On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organisation declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. The most egregious costs of COVID-19 will be borne by those who are most vulnerable. Prisoners across the world are an exceptionally vulnerable class, who risk being infected due to living in grossly overcrowded prisons in unsanitary, unhygienic conditions.
To track the spread of the virus in prisons across the world, Justice Project Pakistan has put together a live global map tracking all reported cases of prisoners testing positive across the world. To contribute to the map, contact communications@jpp.org.pk



Global Tracker: COVID-19 Vaccinations of Prisoners and Prison Staff

Official collaborators: Penal Reform International and Harm Reduction International 


What Makes Pakistani Prisoners More Vulnerable to Covid-19

All the above figures are taken from “Fourth implementation report, Federal Ombudsman Secretariat in Suo Moto Case No. 1 of 2006” and “Prison Reform in Pakistan, Commission Constituted by Islamabad High Court in W.P. 4037 of 2019”
To download the full infographic, click here.

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