Stranded on death row
THE EXPRESS TRIBUNE – Yusra Jabeen As Pakistanis, we have seen a lot of senseless violence, irrational killings and mass murders in the form of bomb blasts, over and

Capital punishment
(PAKISTAN TODAY – Faraz Talat) Thou shall not kill… and now, a list of exceptions that rolls out like credits at the end of a major film. The state plays,

Can death penalty purge Pakistan of terrorism?
THE EXPRESS TRIBUNE – Naveed Ahmad Mumtaz Qadri was a cold-blooded assassin who shot at an unarmed citizen 27 times from close range in broad daylight. He wore a

The hanging
THE NEWS – Editorial Mumtaz Qadri, a former Elite Force commando who murdered former Punjab governor Salman Taseer, has been hanged. Taseer had been smeared in a campaign by

The end of Qadri
DAWN – Rafia Zakaria Mumtaz Qadri was executed on Monday, Feb 29, 2016. The hanging took place at 4:30am at Adiala Jail in Rawalpindi, where Qadri had been imprisoned

Mumtaz Qadri & death penalty
(THE NATION – Marvi Sirmed) What would make one celebrate death? Who would support a murder “the execution” at the hand of a state? A democratic state killing people in

Qadri’s execution: the deeper malaise
(DAWN – Editorial) There should be a reluctance to mention the two names together. One man, Salmaan Taseer, the late governor of Punjab, was a towering champion of human rights

Amnesty expresses concern over executions in Pakistan
DAWN – Masood Haider NEW YORK: Human rights are fast becoming a casualty in the drive to wipe out fanatical groups like the militant Islamic State group and Boko

NCHR: Clipped wings
(THE NATION – Zainab Zeeshan Malik) Over the past two years the Government of Pakistan (GOP) has taken several steps that clearly reflect its lack of commitment to honouring its

Pakistan, with 324 executions in 2015, ranks third worldwide – report
REUTERS – Krista Mahr Pakistan hanged 324 people last year to rank third worldwide in terms of executions, but the vast majority of those put to death had no
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