Stranded on death row

THE EXPRESS TRIBUNE – Yusra Jabeen   As Pakistanis, we have seen a lot of senseless violence, irrational killings and mass murders in the form of bomb blasts, over and

Capital punishment

(PAKISTAN TODAY – Faraz Talat) Thou shall not kill… and now, a list of exceptions that rolls out like credits at the end of a major film. The state plays,

The hanging

THE NEWS – Editorial   Mumtaz Qadri, a former Elite Force commando who murdered former Punjab governor Salman Taseer, has been hanged. Taseer had been smeared in a campaign by

The end of Qadri

DAWN – Rafia Zakaria   Mumtaz Qadri was executed on Monday, Feb 29, 2016. The hanging took place at 4:30am at Adiala Jail in Rawalpindi, where Qadri had been imprisoned

NCHR: Clipped wings

(THE NATION – Zainab Zeeshan Malik) Over the past two years the Government of Pakistan (GOP) has taken several steps that clearly reflect its lack of commitment to honouring its

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