Closing Bagram
Date.16 Oct, 2015
This report was written by Omran Belhadi, Casework Lawyer at Justice Project Pakistan.
It was edited by Sarah Belal, Director of Justice Project Pakistan, and Isabel Buchanan, Casework Lawyer at Justice Project Pakistan. Drafting and research assistance was provided by Reema Omer and Sarah Nasrullah.
Justice Project Pakistan would like to thank the ex-detainees and family members of current detainees who shared their pain and spoke with us about their experiences. We are also grateful to the numerous government officials who shared their knowledge and expertise. Justice Project Pakistan would also like to thank Asim Rafiqui for preparing portraits and audio testimony of family members of current detainees, documenting their hardships and suffering. All photographs displayed in this report are the product of Mr. Rafiqui’s efforts.
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