Data Dashboards – Prison Population of Pakistan 2022
Date.16 Jun, 2023
Introduction: These Data Dashboards highlight the current statistics of Pakistani prisons while focusing on key variables such as overcrowding, undertrial period, prison population trends, jail breakdowns, and the facilities provided by prison authorities.
Summary: These datasets reveal several critical issues plaguing Pakistani prisons, including overcrowding, extended under-trial periods, inadequate infrastructure, challenges in housing women and juveniles, and limited access to medical facilities. The alarming increase in the prison population has further exacerbated the problem of limited jail capacity. These findings underscore the urgent need for comprehensive reforms to improve living conditions and ensure basic human rights for individuals serving their prison sentences.
Note: The statistics are collected through primary data approach, and are collected/ compiled by Data team of JPP itself. We are continuously improving our data collection and management systems in order to have more comprehensive data-driven reports in future.
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