Data Dashboards – Prison Population of Pakistan 2023
Date.30 Dec, 2023
These Data Dashboards provide a comprehensive overview of the current statistics pertaining to Pakistani prisons, with a particular focus on key variables such as overcrowding, undertrial periods, prison population trends, jail breakdowns, and facilities provided by prison authorities.
The datasets bring to light critical issues within Pakistani prisons, including overcrowding, prolonged under-trial periods, insufficient infrastructure, challenges in housing women and juveniles, and limited access to medical facilities. The significant rise in the prison population has further intensified the challenge of constrained jail capacity. These findings underscore the urgent need for comprehensive reforms aimed at improving living conditions and ensuring basic human rights for individuals serving their prison sentences.
Note: The statistics presented are derived from a primary data approach and have been meticulously collected, compiled, and analyzed by the Data & Research team of JPP. The information encompasses 127 jails across all provinces, including Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJ&K). Notably, the data is updated until November 2023. We remain committed to enhancing our data collection and management systems to provide more comprehensive, data-driven reports in the future.
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