Death Penalty in Pakistan
Date.10 Oct, 2022
This is the first edition of the annual statistics report, Death Penalty in Pakistan: Data Mapping Capital Punishment. The aim of this report is to statistically analyse the implementation of death penalty in Pakistan.
The implementation of capital punishment has seen substantial shifts over the course of the past decade. During the period from the end of a moratorium on executions in December 2014 to August 2019, an estimated 1,800 death sentences were imposed across the entire court system and 520 people were executed. Various amendments to Pakistan’s criminal law over the past several decades have resulted in a list of 33 offenses, most of which are far removed from the definition of the “most serious crimes” under international law. A full list of offences is attached at the end of the report.
The data used in this report is primary data collected by JPP from Provincial Prison departments, Punjab Police, and 33 prisons across the country. We are continuously improving our data collection and management systems to fill the data gaps.
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