Death Penalty in Pakistan: Data Mapping Capital Punishment

Date.10 Oct, 2023

On this World Day Against the Death Penalty, October 10, 2023, Justice Project Pakistan (JPP) is proud to launch the second edition of our annual statistics report, “Death Penalty in Pakistan: Data Mapping Capital Punishment.” Building upon the success of our inaugural report released on October 10 last year, this edition represents a significant step forward in our mission to provide vital insights into the state of capital punishment in Pakistan.

This comprehensive statistics report delves into the evolving landscape of death row and capital punishment in the country over the past decade. Notably, this year’s report includes an expanded dataset, incorporating disaggregated data from 127 jails across Pakistan. With more granular-level statistics, it offers a deeper understanding of the demographic, regional, and legal aspects of death penalty cases, and highlights trends among the death row population. JPP hopes that this report will serve as an invaluable resource for policymakers, scholars, activists, and all those interested in the complexities of the death penalty in Pakistan.


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