FACT SHEET 2023 – Prison Population of Pakistan

Date.30 Dec, 2023

This fact sheet is designed to shed light on the present state of Pakistani prisons, addressing critical issues such as overcrowding, prolonged undertrial periods, infrastructure deficiencies, understaffing, inadequate medical facilities, and challenges in appropriately accommodating women and juveniles.

The information presented in this fact sheet is a combination of quantitative and qualitative data, all of which is primary and collected by JPP. Our commitment to continual improvement is reflected in the ongoing enhancements to our data collection and management systems, ensuring a more comprehensive analysis in the future.

Note: The data included in this fact sheet is sourced from 127 jails across all provinces, encompassing Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJ&K). Furthermore, the information is updated until November 2023, providing an accurate and current portrayal of the prison landscape in Pakistan.

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